Difference between revisions of "Template:Keys"

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(Root FS now required again; added {{GMUpdateRamdisk}})
(144 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
__NOTOC____NOEDITSECTION__<includeonly>{{#ifeq: {{FULLPAGENAME}} | {{{Codename|}}} {{{Build|}}} ({{{Device}}}) | | <span style="color:red; font-weight: bold;">Incorrect metadata!</span>[[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
--><includeonly>{{#ifeq: {{FULLPAGENAME}} | {{{Codename|}}} {{{Build|}}} ({{{Device}}}) | | <span style="color:red; font-weight: bold;">Incorrect metadata!</span>[[Category:Pages With Incorrect Template Usage]] }}<!--
// Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
| title = iOS <span id="keypage-version">{{#if: {{{DisplayVersion|}}} | {{{DisplayVersion}}} | {{{Version}}} }}</span>
| bodystyle = vevent
| headerstyle = background:#ccccff; background:rgba(204,204,255,0.7);
| labelstyle = white-space: nowrap; background:#ddddff; background:rgba(221,221,255,0.7);
| titleclass = summary
| header1 =
| label2 = Build
| data2 = <span id="keypage-build">{{{Build}}}</span>
| label3 = Codename
| data3 = <span id="keypage-codename">{{{Codename}}}</span>
| label4 = Device
| data4 = <span id="keypage-device">{{#switch: {{{Device}}}
| AppleTV2,1 = [[K66AP|Apple TV 2G]]
| AppleTV3,1 = [[J33AP|Apple TV 3G (AppleTV3,1)]]
| AppleTV3,2 = [[J33IAP|Apple TV 3G (AppleTV3,2)]]
| AppleTV5,3 = [[J42dAP|Apple TV 4G]]
| Watch1,1 = [[N27aAP|Apple Watch (Watch1,1)]]
| Watch1,2 = [[N28aAP|Apple Watch (Watch1,2)]]
| iPad1,1 = [[K48AP|iPad]]
| iPad2,1 = [[K93AP|iPad 2 (iPad2,1)]]
| iPad2,2 = [[K94AP|iPad 2 (iPad2,2)]]
| iPad2,3 = [[K95AP|iPad 2 (iPad2,3)]]
| iPad2,4 = [[K93AAP|iPad 2 (iPad2,4)]]
| iPad2,5 = [[P101AP|iPad mini (iPad2,5)]]
| iPad2,6 = [[P102AP|iPad mini (iPad2,6)]]
| iPad2,7 = [[P103AP|iPad mini (iPad2,7)]]
| iPad3,1 = [[J2AP|iPad 3 (iPad3,1)]]
| iPad3,2 = [[J2AP|iPad 3 (iPad3,2)]]
| iPad3,3 = [[J2AAP|iPad 3 (iPad3,3)]]
| iPad3,4 = [[P105AP|iPad 4 (iPad3,4)]]
| iPad3,5 = [[P106AP|iPad 4 (iPad3,5)]]
| iPad3,6 = [[P107AP|iPad 4 (iPad3,6)]]
| iPad4,1 = [[jJ1AP|iPad Air (iPad4,1)]]
| iPad4,2 = [[J72AP|iPad Air (iPad4,2)]]
| iPad4,3 = [[J73AP|iPad Air (iPad4,3)]]
| iPad4,4 = [[J85AP|iPad mini 2 (iPad4,4)]]
| iPad4,5 = [[J86AP|iPad mini 2 (iPad4,5)]]
| iPad4,6 = [[J87AP|iPad mini 2 (iPad4,6)]]
| iPad4,7 = [[J85mAP|iPad mini 3 (iPad4,7)]]
| iPad4,8 = [[J86mAP|iPad mini 3 (iPad4,8)]]
| iPad4,9 = [[J87mAP|iPad mini 3 (iPad4,9)]]
| iPad5,1 = [[J96AP|iPad mini 4 (iPad5,1)]]
| iPad5,2 = [[J97AP|iPad mini 4 (iPad5,2)]]
| iPad5,3 = [[J81AP|iPad Air 2 (iPad5,3)]]
| iPad5,4 = [[J82AP|iPad Air 2 (iPad5,4)]]
| iPad6,7 = [[J98aAP|iPad Pro (iPad6,7)]]
| iPad6,8 = [[J99aAP|iPad Pro (iPad6,8)]]
| iPhone1,1 = [[M68AP|iPhone]]
| iPhone1,2 = [[N82AP|iPhone 3G]]
| iPhone2,1 = [[N88AP|iPhone 3GS]]
| iPhone3,1 = [[N90AP|iPhone 4 (iPhone3,1)]]
| iPhone3,2 = [[N90BAP|iPhone 4 (iPhone3,2)]]
| iPhone3,3 = [[N92AP|iPhone 4 (iPhone3,3)]]
| iPhone4,1 = [[N94AP|iPhone 4S]]
| iPhone5,1 = [[N41AP|iPhone 5 (iPhone5,1)]]
| iPhone5,2 = [[N42AP|iPhone 5 (iPhone5,2)]]
| iPhone5,3 = [[N48AP|iPhone 5c (iPhone5,3)]]
| iPhone5,4 = [[N49AP|iPhone 5c (iPhone5,4)]]
| iPhone6,1 = [[N51AP|iPhone 5s (iPhone6,1)]]
| iPhone6,2 = [[N53AP|iPhone 5s (iPhone6,2)]]
| iPhone7,1 = [[N56AP|iPhone 6 Plus]]
| iPhone7,2 = [[N61AP|iPhone 6]]
| iPhone8,1 = [[iPhone 6s]]
| iPhone8,2 = [[iPhone 6s Plus]]
| iPod1,1 = [[N45AP|iPod touch]]
| iPod2,1 = [[N72AP|iPod touch 2G]]
| iPod3,1 = [[N18AP|iPod touch 3G]]
| iPod4,1 = [[N81AP|iPod touch 4G]]
| iPod5,1 = [[iPod touch 5G]]
| iPod7,1 = [[N102AP|iPod touch 6G]]
| #default = [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]]
| label5 = Baseband
| data5 = {{#switch: {{{Device}}}
| iPad1,1<!-- iPad -->
| iPad2,2<!-- iPad 2 -->
| iPad2,3
| iPad2,6<!-- iPad mini -->
| iPad2,7
| iPad3,2<!-- iPad 3 -->
| iPad3,3
| iPad3,5<!-- iPad 4 -->
| iPad3,6
| iPad4,2<!-- iPad Air -->
| iPad4,3
| iPad4,5<!-- iPad mini 2 -->
| iPad4,6
| iPad4,8<!-- iPad mini 3 -->
| iPad4,9
| iPad5,2<!-- iPad mini 4 -->
| iPad5,3<!-- iPad Air 2 -->
| iPad5,4
| iPad6,7<!-- iPad Pro -->
| iPad6,8
| iPhone1,1
| iPhone1,2
| iPhone2,1
| iPhone3,1
| iPhone3,2
| iPhone3,3
| iPhone4,1
| iPhone5,1
| iPhone5,2
| iPhone5,3
| iPhone5,4
| iPhone6,1
| iPhone6,2
| iPhone7,1
| iPhone7,2
| iPhone8,1
| iPhone8,2 = <span id="keypage-baseband">{{#switch: {{{Baseband}}}
| 1.0.11 = [[1.0.11 ({{#ifeq: {{{Device}}} | iPhone4,1 | MDM6610 | MDM9600 }})|1.0.11]]
| 3.0.04 = [[3.0.04 ({{#ifeq: {{{Device}}} | iPhone4,1 | MDM6610 | MDM6600 }})|3.0.04]]
| #default = {{#if: {{{Baseband|}}} | [[{{{Baseband}}}]] | unknown[[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}
<!-- we need a way to work with beta firmwares
maybe {{#titleparts: {{{DownloadURL|}}} | 1 | -1 }}? But it replaces underscores with spaces...
| title = {{#switch: {{{Device}}}
[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:ParserFunctions#.23titleparts] -->
| AppleTV5,3<!-- AppleTV's 2_1, 3_1, and 3_2 are iOS -->
| belowstyle = background:#ddddff;background:rgba(221,221,255,0.7);
| AppleTV6,2
| below = {{#if: {{{DownloadURL|}}} | <span id="keypage-download">[{{{DownloadURL}}} {{{Device}}}_{{#switch: {{{Build}}}
| AppleTV11,1 = tvOS
<!-- Apple TV builds where the marketing version is not the same as the one on the IPSW
| Watch1,1
Build IPSWVersion -->
| 8M89 = 4.1
| Watch1,2
| 8C150 = 4.2
| Watch2,3
| 8C154 = 4.2.1
| Watch2,4
| 8F191m
| Watch2,6
| 8F202
| Watch2,7
| 8F305
| Watch3,1
| 8F455 = 4.3
| Watch3,2
| 9B206f = 5.0
| Watch3,3
| 12F69 = 7.1
| Watch3,4
| Watch4,1
| #default = {{{Version}}}
| Watch4,2
}}_{{{Build}}}_Restore.ipsw]{{#ifeq: {{{Build}}} | 8A293 | {{#ifeq: {{{Device}}} | iPhone3,1 | | &nbsp;(Final) }} }}</span>
| Watch4,3
| Watch4,4
| Watch5,1
| Watch5,2
| Watch5,3
| Watch5,4
| Watch5,9
| Watch5,10
| Watch5,11
| Watch5,12
| Watch6,1
| Watch6,2
| Watch6,3
| Watch6,4
| Watch6,6
| Watch6,7
| Watch6,8
| Watch6,9
| Watch6,10
| Watch6,11
| Watch6,12
| Watch6,13
| Watch6,14
| Watch6,15
| Watch6,16
| Watch6,17
| Watch6,18 = watchOS
| iBridge
| iBridge2,1
| iBridge2,3
| iBridge2,4
| iBridge2,5
| iBridge2,6
| iBridge2,7
| iBridge2,8
| iBridge2,10
| iBridge2,12
| iBridge2,14
| iBridge2,15
| iBridge2,16
| iBridge2,19
| iBridge2,20
| iBridge2,21
| iBridge2,22 = bridgeOS
| AudioAccessory1,1
| AudioAccessory1,2
| AudioAccessory5,1 = audioOS
| iPad5,1
| iPad5,2
| iPad5,3
| iPad5,4
| iPad6,3
| iPad6,4
| iPad6,7
| iPad6,8
| iPad6,11
| iPad6,12
| iPad7,1
| iPad7,2
| iPad7,3
| iPad7,4
| iPad7,5
| iPad7,6
| iPad7,11
| iPad7,12
| iPad8,1
| iPad8,2
| iPad8,3
| iPad8,4
| iPad8,5
| iPad8,6
| iPad8,7
| iPad8,8
| iPad8,9
| iPad8,10
| iPad8,11
| iPad8,12
| iPad11,1
| iPad11,2
| iPad11,3
| iPad11,4
| iPad11,6
| iPad11,7
| iPad13,1
| iPad13,2
| iPad13,4
| iPad13,5
| iPad13,6
| iPad13,7
| iPad13,8
| iPad13,9
| iPad13,10
| iPad13,11
| iPad13,16
| iPad13,17 = {{#switch: {{padleft:|3|{{{Version}}}}}
| 8.0
| 8.1
| 8.2
| 8.3
| 8.4
| 9.0
| 9.1
| 9.2
| 9.3
| 10.
| 11.
| 12. = iOS
| #default = iPadOS
| #default = {{#switch: {{padleft:|2|{{{Version}}}}}
| 1.
| 2.
| 3. = iPhoneOS
| #default = iOS
}} <span id="keypage-version">{{{Version}}}</span>
| bodystyle =
| headerstyle = background:#ccccff; background:rgba(204,204,255,0.7);
| labelstyle = white-space: nowrap; background:#ddddff; background:rgba(221,221,255,0.7);
| titleclass = summary
| header1 =
| label2 = Build
| data2 = <span id="keypage-build">{{{Build}}}</span>
| label3 = Codename
| data3 = <span id="keypage-codename">{{{Codename}}}</span>
| label4 = Device
| data4 = <span id="keypage-device">{{DeviceLink|{{{Device}}}}}{{#if: {{{Model|}}}{{{Model2|}}} | <br/>({{{Model}}} and {{{Model2}}}) }}</span>
| label5 = Baseband
| data5 = {{#switch: {{{Device}}}
| Watch3,1<!-- Apple Watch Series 3 -->
| Watch3,2
| Watch4,3<!-- Apple Watch Series 4 -->
| Watch4,4
| Watch5,3<!-- Apple Watch Series 5 -->
| Watch5,4
| Watch5,9<!-- Apple Watch SE -->
| Watch5,10
| Watch6,3<!-- Apple Watch Series 6 -->
| Watch6,4
| Watch6,8<!-- Apple Watch Series 7 -->
| Watch6,9
| Watch6,12<!-- Apple Watch SE -->
| Watch6,13
| Watch6,16<!-- Apple Watch Series 8 -->
| Watch6,17
| Watch6,18<!-- Apple Watch Ultra -->
| iPad1,1<!-- iPad -->
| iPad2,2<!-- iPad 2 -->
| iPad2,3
| iPad2,6<!-- iPad mini -->
| iPad2,7
| iPad3,2<!-- iPad (3rd generation) -->
| iPad3,3
| iPad3,5<!-- iPad (4th generation) -->
| iPad3,6
| iPad4,2<!-- iPad Air -->
| iPad4,3
| iPad4,5<!-- iPad mini 2 -->
| iPad4,6
| iPad4,8<!-- iPad mini 3 -->
| iPad4,9
| iPad5,2<!-- iPad mini 4 -->
| iPad5,4<!-- iPad Air 2 -->
| iPad6,4<!-- iPad Pro 9.7" -->
| iPad6,8<!-- iPad Pro 12.9" -->
| iPad6,12<!-- iPad (5th generation) -->
| iPad7,2<!-- iPad Pro 12.9" (2nd generation) -->
| iPad7,4<!-- iPad Pro 10.5" -->
| iPad7,6<!-- iPad (6th generation) -->
| iPad7,12<!-- iPad (7th generation) -->
| iPad8,3<!-- iPad Pro (11-inch) -->
| iPad8,4
| iPad8,7<!-- iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation) -->
| iPad8,8
| iPad8,10<!-- iPad Pro (11-inch) (2nd generation) -->
| iPad8,12<!-- iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (4th generation) -->
| iPad11,2<!-- iPad mini (5th generation) -->
| iPad11,4<!-- iPad Air (3rd generation) -->
| iPad11,7<!-- iPad (8th generation) -->
| iPad12,2<!-- iPad (8th generation) -->
| iPad13,2<!-- iPad Air (4th generation) -->
| iPad13,6<!-- iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) -->
| iPad13,7
| iPad13,10<!-- iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation) -->
| iPad13,11
| iPad13,17<!-- iPad Air (5th generation) -->
| iPad14,2<!-- iPad mini (6th generation) -->
| iPhone1,1<!-- iPhone -->
| iPhone1,2<!-- iPhone 3G -->
| iPhone2,1<!-- iPhone 3GS -->
| iPhone3,1<!-- iPhone 4 -->
| iPhone3,2
| iPhone3,3
| iPhone4,1<!-- iPhone 4S -->
| iPhone5,1<!-- iPhone 5 -->
| iPhone5,2
| iPhone5,3<!-- iPhone 5c -->
| iPhone5,4
| iPhone6,1<!-- iPhone 5s -->
| iPhone6,2
| iPhone7,1<!-- iPhone 6 & 6+ -->
| iPhone7,2
| iPhone8,1<!-- iPhone 6s & 6s+ -->
| iPhone8,2
| iPhone8,4<!-- iPhone SE (1st generation)-->
| iPhone9,1<!-- iPhone 7 & 7+ -->
| iPhone9,2
| iPhone9,3
| iPhone9,4
| iPhone10,1<!-- iPhone 8 & 8+ -->
| iPhone10,2
| iPhone10,3<!-- iPhone X -->
| iPhone10,4<!-- iPhone 8 & 8+ -->
| iPhone10,5
| iPhone10,6<!-- iPhone X -->
| iPhone11,2<!-- iPhone XS -->
| iPhone11,4<!-- iPhone XS Max -->
| iPhone11,6
| iPhone11,8<!-- iPhone XR -->
| iPhone12,1<!-- iPhone 11 -->
| iPhone12,3<!-- iPhone 11 Pro -->
| iPhone12,5<!-- iPhone 11 Pro Max -->
| iPhone12,8<!-- iPhone SE (2nd generation -->
| iPhone13,1<!-- iPhone 12 mini -->
| iPhone13,2<!-- iPhone 12 -->
| iPhone13,3<!-- iPhone 12 Pro -->
| iPhone13,4<!-- iPhone 12 Pro Max -->
| iPhone14,2<!-- iPhone 13 Pro -->
| iPhone14,3<!-- iPhone 13 Pro Max-->
| iPhone14,4<!-- iPhone 13 mini -->
| iPhone14,5<!-- iPhone 13 -->
| iPhone14,6<!-- iPhone SE (3rd generation) -->
| iPhone14,7<!-- iPhone 14 -->
| iPhone14,8<!-- iPhone 14 Plus-->
| iPhone15,2<!-- iPhone 14 Pro-->
| iPhone15,3<!-- iPhone 14 Pro Max--> = <span id="keypage-baseband">{{#switch: {{{Baseband}}}
| 1.0.11 = [[1.0.11 ({{#ifeq: {{{Device}}} | iPhone4,1 | MDM6610 | MDM9600 }})|1.0.11]]
| 3.0.04 = [[3.0.04 ({{#ifeq: {{{Device}}} | iPhone4,1 | MDM6610 | MDM6600 }})|3.0.04]]
| #default = {{#if: {{{Baseband|}}} | {{{Baseband}}} | Unknown[[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}
| belowstyle = background:#ddddff;background:rgba(221,221,255,0.7);
| below = {{#if: {{{DownloadURL|}}} | <span id="keypage-download">[{{{DownloadURL}}} Download&nbsp;Firmware]</span>
-->{{#if: {{{RootFS|}}}{{{RootFSKey|}}} |
<h2>[[:/|Root Filesystem]]</h2>
<span style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;">Filename: </span><span class="keypage-filename" id="keypage-rootfs">{{#if: {{{RootFS|}}} | {{{RootFS}}}.dmg | }}</span>
<ul>{{#ifeq: {{{RootFSKey}}} | Not Encrypted |
<li>Not Encrypted</li> |
<li>'''Key''': <code id="keypage-rootfs-key">{{{RootFSKey}}}</code></li>
-->{{#if: {{{RootFSBeta|}}}{{{RootFSBetaKey|}}} |
<h2>Root Filesystem (Beta)</h2>
<span style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;">Filename: </span><span class="keypage-filename" id="keypage-rootfs-beta">{{#if: {{{RootFSBeta|}}} | {{{RootFSBeta}}}.dmg | }}</span>
<ul>{{#ifeq: {{{RootFSBetaKey}}} | Not Encrypted |
<li>Not Encrypted</li> |
<li>'''Key''': <code id="keypage-rootfs-beta-key">{{{RootFSBetaKey}}}</code></li>
| id = updateramdisk
| header = [[Update Ramdisk]]
| file = {{#if: {{{UpdateRamdisk|}}} | {{{UpdateRamdisk}}}.dmg }}
| iv = {{{UpdateRamdiskIV|}}}
| key = {{{UpdateRamdiskKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{UpdateRamdiskKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{UpdateRamdisk2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = updateramdisk2
| header = Update Ramdisk
| file = {{#if: {{{UpdateRamdisk2|}}} | {{{UpdateRamdisk2}}}.dmg }}
| iv = {{{UpdateRamdisk2IV|}}}
| key = {{{UpdateRamdisk2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{UpdateRamdisk2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = updateramdisk-ota
<h2>[[:/|Root Filesystem]]</h2>
| header = Update Ramdisk (OTA)
<span style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;">Filename: </span><span class="keypage-filename" id="keypage-rootfs">{{#if: {{{RootFS|}}} | {{{RootFS}}} | XXX-XXXX-XXX }}.dmg</span>
| file = {{#if: {{{UpdateRamdiskOTA|}}} | {{{UpdateRamdiskOTA}}}.dmg }}
<ul><li>'''Key''': <code id="keypage-rootfs-key">{{{RootFSKey}}}</code></li></ul><!--
| iv = {{{UpdateRamdiskOTAIV|}}}
| key = {{{UpdateRamdiskOTAKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{UpdateRamdiskOTAKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{UpdateRamdiskOTA2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = updateramdisk-ota2
| header = Update Ramdisk (OTA)
| file = {{#if: {{{UpdateRamdiskOTA2|}}} | {{{UpdateRamdiskOTA2}}}.dmg }}
| iv = {{{UpdateRamdisk2OTAIV|}}}
| key = {{{UpdateRamdisk2OTAKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{UpdateRamdisk2OTAKBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
-->{{#ifeq: {{{Build}}} | 8A293 | {{#ifeq: {{{Device}}} | iPhone3,1 | |
| id = updateramdisk-beta
<h2>Root Filesystem (GM)</h2>
| header = Update Ramdisk (Beta)
<span style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;">Filename: </span><span class="keypage-filename" id="keypage-rootfs-8a293gm">{{#if: {{{GMRootFS|}}} | {{{GMRootFS}}} | XXX-XXXX-XXX }}.dmg</span>
| file = {{#if: {{{UpdateRamdiskBeta|}}} | {{{UpdateRamdiskBeta}}}.dmg }}
<ul><li>'''Key''': <code id="keypage-gmrootfs-key">{{{GMRootFSKey|}}}</code></li></ul>
| iv = {{{UpdateRamdiskBetaIV|}}}
}} }}<!--
| key = {{{UpdateRamdiskBetaKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{UpdateRamdiskBetaKBAG|}}}
-->{{keys/helper|id=updateramdisk|header=[[Update Ramdisk]]|file={{#if:{{{UpdateRamdisk|}}}|{{{UpdateRamdisk}}}|XXX-XXXX-XXX}}.dmg|iv={{{UpdateRamdiskIV|}}}|key={{{UpdateRamdiskKey|}}}|kbag={{{UpdateRamdiskKBAG|}}}}}<!--
| id = restoreramdisk
| header = [[Restore Ramdisk]]
| file = {{#if: {{{RestoreRamdisk|}}} | {{{RestoreRamdisk}}}.dmg }}
| iv = {{{RestoreRamdiskIV|}}}
| key = {{{RestoreRamdiskKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{RestoreRamdiskKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{ACIBTFirmware2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = restoreramdisk2
| header = Restore Ramdisk
| file = {{#if: {{{RestoreRamdisk2|}}} | {{{RestoreRamdisk2}}}.dmg }}
| iv = {{{RestoreRamdisk2IV|}}}
| key = {{{RestoreRamdisk2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{RestoreRamdisk2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
-->{{keys/helper|id=gmupdateramdisk|header=Update Ramdisk (GM)|file={{#if:{{{GMUpdateRamdisk|}}}|{{{GMUpdateRamdisk}}}|XXX-XXXX-XXX}}.dmg|iv={{{GMUpdateRamdiskIV|}}}|key={{{GMUpdateRamdiskKey|}}}|kbag={{{GMUpdateRamdiskKBAG|}}}}}<!--
| id = restoreramdisk-beta
| header = Restore Ramdisk (Beta)
| file = {{#if: {{{RestoreRamdiskBeta|}}} | {{{RestoreRamdiskBeta}}}.dmg }}
| iv = {{{RestoreRamdiskBetaIV|}}}
| key = {{{RestoreRamdiskBetaKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{RestoreRamdiskBetaKBAG|}}}
-->{{keys/helper|id=restoreramdisk|header=[[Restore Ramdisk]]|file={{#if:{{{RestoreRamdisk|}}}|{{{RestoreRamdisk}}}|XXX-XXXX-XXX}}.dmg|iv={{{RestoreRamdiskIV|}}}|key={{{RestoreRamdiskKey|}}}|kbag={{{RestoreRamdiskKBAG|}}}}}<!--
| id = acibtfirmware
| header = ACI BT Firmware
| file = {{{ACIBTFirmware|}}}
| iv = {{{ACIBTFirmwareIV|}}}
| key = {{{ACIBTFirmwareKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{ACIBTFirmwareKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{ACIBTFirmware2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = acibtfirmware2
| header = ACI BT Firmware
| file = {{{ACIBTFirmware2|}}}
| iv = {{{ACIBTFirmware2IV|}}}
| key = {{{ACIBTFirmware2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{ACIBTFirmware2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = aciwififirmware
| header = ACI Wi-Fi Firmware
| file = {{{ACIWiFiFirmware|}}}
| iv = {{{ACIWiFiFirmwareIV|}}}
| key = {{{ACIWiFiFirmwareKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{ACIWiFiFirmwareKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{ACIWiFiFirmware2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = aciwififirmware2
| header = ACI Wi-Fi Firmware
| file = {{{ACIWiFiFirmware2|}}}
| iv = {{{ACIWiFiFirmware2IV|}}}
| key = {{{ACIWiFiFirmware2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{ACIWiFiFirmware2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = adcpetra
| header = ADC Petra
| file = {{{ADCPetra|}}}
| iv = {{{ADCPetraIV|}}}
| key = {{{ADCPetraKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{ADCPetraKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{ADCPetra2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = adcpetra2
| header = ADC Petra
| file = {{{ADCPetra2|}}}
| iv = {{{ADCPetra2IV|}}}
| key = {{{ADCPetra2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{ADCPetra2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = ane
| header = ANE
| file = {{{ANE|}}}
| iv = {{{ANEIV|}}}
| key = {{{ANEKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{ANEKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{ANE2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = ane2
| header = ANE
| file = {{{ANE2|}}}
| iv = {{{ANE2IV|}}}
| key = {{{ANE2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{ANE2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = ansf
| header = ANSF
| file = {{{ANSF|}}}
| iv = {{{ANSFIV|}}}
| key = {{{ANSFKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{ANSFKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{ANSF2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = ansf2
| header = ANSF
| file = {{{ANSF2|}}}
| iv = {{{ANSF2IV|}}}
| key = {{{ANSF2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{ANSF2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = aopfirmware
| header = AOP Firmware
| file = {{{AOPFirmware|}}}
| iv = {{{AOPFirmwareIV|}}}
| key = {{{AOPFirmwareKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{AOPFirmwareKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{AOPFirmware2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = aopfirmware2
| header = AOP Firmware
| file = {{{AOPFirmware2|}}}
| iv = {{{AOPFirmware2IV|}}}
| key = {{{AOPFirmware2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{AOPFirmware2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = appleave
| header = Apple AVE
| file = {{{AppleAVE|}}}
| iv = {{{AppleAVEIV|}}}
| key = {{{AppleAVEKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{AppleAVEKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{AppleAVE2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = appleave2
| header = Apple AVE
| file = {{{AppleAVE2|}}}
| iv = {{{AppleAVE2IV|}}}
| key = {{{AppleAVE2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{AppleAVE2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = applelogo
| header = [[AppleLogo]]
| file = {{{AppleLogo|}}}
| iv = {{{AppleLogoIV|}}}
| key = {{{AppleLogoKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{AppleLogoKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{AppleLogo2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = applelogo2
| header = [[AppleLogo]]
| file = {{{AppleLogo2|}}}
| iv = {{{AppleLogo2IV|}}}
| key = {{{AppleLogo2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{AppleLogo2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = applemaggie
| header = Apple Maggie
| file = {{{AppleMaggie|}}}
| iv = {{{AppleMaggieIV|}}}
| key = {{{AppleMaggieKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{AppleMaggieKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{AppleMaggie2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = applemaggie2
| header = Apple Maggie
| file = {{{AppleMaggie2|}}}
| iv = {{{AppleMaggie2IV|}}}
| key = {{{AppleMaggie2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{AppleMaggie2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = armfw
| header = ARM Firmware
| file = {{{ARMFW|}}}
| iv = {{{ARMFWIV|}}}
| key = {{{ARMFWKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{ARMFWKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{ARMFW2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = armfw2
| header = ARM Firmware
| file = {{{ARMFW2|}}}
| iv = {{{ARMFW2IV|}}}
| key = {{{ARMFW2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{ARMFW2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = audiocodecfirmware
| header = AudioCodec Firmware
| file = {{{AudioCodecFirmware|}}}
| iv = {{{AudioCodecFirmwareIV|}}}
| key = {{{AudioCodecFirmwareKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{AudioCodecFirmwareKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{AudioCodecFirmware2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = audiocodecfirmware2
| header = AudioCodec Firmware
| file = {{{AudioCodecFirmware2|}}}
| iv = {{{AudioCodecFirmware2IV|}}}
| key = {{{AudioCodecFirmware2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{AudioCodecFirmware2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = audiodsp
| header = Audio DSP
| file = {{{AudioDSP|}}}
| iv = {{{AudioDSPIV|}}}
| key = {{{AudioDSPKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{AudioDSPKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{AudioDSP2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = audiodsp2
| header = Audio DSP
| file = {{{AudioDSP2|}}}
| iv = {{{AudioDSP2IV|}}}
| key = {{{AudioDSP2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{AudioDSP2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
-->{{keys/helper|id=iboot|header=[[iBoot (Bootloader)|iBoot]]|file={{{iBoot|}}}|iv={{{iBootIV|}}}|key={{{iBootKey|}}}|kbag={{{iBootKBAG|}}}}}<!--
| id = batterycharging
| header = BatteryCharging
| file = {{{BatteryCharging|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryChargingIV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryChargingKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryChargingKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{BatteryCharging2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = batterycharging2
| header = BatteryCharging
| file = {{{BatteryCharging2|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryCharging2IV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryCharging2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryCharging2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = batterycharging0
| header = BatteryCharging0
| file = {{{BatteryCharging0|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryCharging0IV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryCharging0Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryCharging0KBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{BatteryCharging02|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = batterycharging02
| header = BatteryCharging0
| file = {{{BatteryCharging02|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryCharging02IV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryCharging02Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryCharging02KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = batterycharging1
| header = BatteryCharging1
| file = {{{BatteryCharging1|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryCharging1IV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryCharging1Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryCharging1KBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{BatteryCharging12|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = batterycharging12
| header = BatteryCharging1
| file = {{{BatteryCharging12|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryCharging12IV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryCharging12Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryCharging12KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = batteryfull
| header = BatteryFull
| file = {{{BatteryFull|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryFullIV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryFullKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryFullKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{BatteryFull2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = batteryfull2
| header = BatteryFull
| file = {{{BatteryFull2|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryFull2IV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryFull2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryFull2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = batterylow0
| header = BatteryLow0
| file = {{{BatteryLow0|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryLow0IV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryLow0Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryLow0KBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{BatteryLow02|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = batterylow02
| header = BatteryLow0
| file = {{{BatteryLow02|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryLow02IV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryLow02Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryLow02KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = batterylow1
| header = BatteryLow1
| file = {{{BatteryLow1|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryLow1IV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryLow1Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryLow1KBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{BatteryLow12|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = batterylow12
| header = BatteryLow1
| file = {{{BatteryLow12|}}}
| iv = {{{BatteryLow12IV|}}}
| key = {{{BatteryLow12Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{BatteryLow12KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = cryptex1-appos
| header = Cryptex1,AppOS
| file = {{#if: {{{Cryptex1,AppOS|}}} | {{{Cryptex1,AppOS}}}.dmg }}
| iv = {{{Cryptex1,AppOSIV|}}}
| key = {{{Cryptex1,AppOSKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{Cryptex1,AppOSKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{Cryptex1,AppOS2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = cryptex1-appos2
| header = Cryptex1,AppOS
| file = {{#if: {{{Cryptex1,AppOS2|}}} | {{{Cryptex1,AppOS2}}}.dmg }}
| iv = {{{Cryptex1,AppOS2IV|}}}
| key = {{{Cryptex1,AppOS2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{Cryptex1,AppOS2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = cryptex1-systemos
| header = Cryptex1,SystemOS
| file = {{#if: {{{Cryptex1,SystemOS|}}} | {{{Cryptex1,SystemOS}}}.dmg }}
| iv = {{{Cryptex1,SystemOSIV|}}}
| key = {{{Cryptex1,SystemOSKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{Cryptex1,SystemOSKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{Cryptex1,SystemOS2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = cryptex1-systemos2
| header = Cryptex1,SystemOS
| file = {{#if: {{{Cryptex1,SystemOS2|}}} | {{{Cryptex1,SystemOS2}}}.dmg }}
| iv = {{{Cryptex1,SystemOS2IV|}}}
| key = {{{Cryptex1,SystemOS2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{Cryptex1,SystemOS2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = dali
| header = Dali
| file = {{{Dali|}}}
| iv = {{{DaliIV|}}}
| key = {{{DaliKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{DaliKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{Dali2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = dali2
| header = Dali
| file = {{{Dali2|}}}
| iv = {{{Dali2IV|}}}
| key = {{{Dali2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{Dali2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = dcp
| header = DCP
| file = {{{DCP|}}}
| iv = {{{DCPIV|}}}
| key = {{{DCPKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{DCPKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{DCP2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = dcp2
| header = DCP
| file = {{{DCP2|}}}
| iv = {{{DCP2IV|}}}
| key = {{{DCP2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{DCP2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = devicetree
| header = [[DeviceTree]]
| file = {{{DeviceTree|}}}
| iv = {{{DeviceTreeIV|}}}
| key = {{{DeviceTreeKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{DeviceTreeKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{DeviceTree2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = devicetree2
| header = DeviceTree
| file = {{{DeviceTree2|}}}
| iv = {{{DeviceTree2IV|}}}
| key = {{{DeviceTree2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{DeviceTree2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = glyphcharging
| header = [[GlyphCharging]]
| file = {{{GlyphCharging|}}}
| iv = {{{GlyphChargingIV|}}}
| key = {{{GlyphChargingKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{GlyphChargingKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{GlyphCharging2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = glyphcharging2
| header = GlyphCharging
| file = {{{GlyphCharging2|}}}
| iv = {{{GlyphCharging2IV|}}}
| key = {{{GlyphCharging2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{GlyphCharging2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = glyphplugin
| header = [[GlyphPlugin]]
| file = {{{GlyphPlugin|}}}
| iv = {{{GlyphPluginIV|}}}
| key = {{{GlyphPluginKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{GlyphPluginKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{GlyphPlugin2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = glyphplugin2
| header = GlyphPlugin
| file = {{{GlyphPlugin2|}}}
| iv = {{{GlyphPlugin2IV|}}}
| key = {{{GlyphPlugin2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{GlyphPlugin2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = hapticassets
| header = HapticAssets
| file = {{{HapticAssets|}}}
| iv = {{{HapticAssetsIV|}}}
| key = {{{HapticAssetsKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{HapticAssetsKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{HapticAssets2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = hapticassets2
| header = HapticAssets
| file = {{{HapticAssets2|}}}
| iv = {{{HapticAssets2IV|}}}
| key = {{{HapticAssets2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{HapticAssets2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = homer
| header = Homer
| file = {{{Homer|}}}
| iv = {{{HomerIV|}}}
| key = {{{HomerKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{HomerKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{Homer2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = homer2
| header = Homer
| file = {{{Homer2|}}}
| iv = {{{Homer2IV|}}}
| key = {{{Homer2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{Homer2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = ibec
| header = [[iBEC]]
| file = {{{iBEC|}}}
| iv = {{{iBECIV|}}}
| key = {{{iBECKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{iBECKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{iBEC2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = ibec2
| header = iBEC
| file = {{{iBEC2|}}}
| iv = {{{iBEC2IV|}}}
| key = {{{iBEC2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{iBEC2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = iboot
| header = [[iBoot (Bootloader)|iBoot]]
| file = {{{iBoot|}}}
| iv = {{{iBootIV|}}}
| key = {{{iBootKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{iBootKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{iBoot2|}}} | {{{Model|}}} }}
| id = iboot2
| header = iBoot
| file = {{{iBoot2|}}}
| iv = {{{iBoot2IV|}}}
| key = {{{iBoot2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{iBoot2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = ibootdata
| header = [[iBootData]]
| file = {{{iBootData|}}}
| iv = {{{iBootDataIV|}}}
| key = {{{iBootDataKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{iBootDataKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{iBootData2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = ibootdata2
| header = [[iBootData]]
| file = {{{iBootData2|}}}
| iv = {{{iBootData2IV|}}}
| key = {{{iBootData2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{iBootData2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = ibss
| header = [[iBSS]]
| file = {{{iBSS|}}}
| iv = {{{iBSSIV|}}}
| key = {{{iBSSKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{iBSSKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{iBSS2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = ibss2
| header = iBSS
| file = {{{iBSS2|}}}
| iv = {{{iBSS2IV|}}}
| key = {{{iBSS2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{iBSS2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = isp
| header = ISP
| file = {{{ISP|}}}
| iv = {{{ISPIV|}}}
| key = {{{ISPKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{ISPKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{ISP2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = isp2
| header = ISP
| file = {{{ISP2|}}}
| iv = {{{ISP2IV|}}}
| key = {{{ISP2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{ISP2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = kernelcache
| header = [[Kernelcache]]
| file = {{{Kernelcache|}}}
| iv = {{{KernelcacheIV|}}}
| key = {{{KernelcacheKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{KernelcacheKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{Kernelcache2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = kernelcache2
| header = Kernelcache
| file = {{{Kernelcache2|}}}
| iv = {{{Kernelcache2IV|}}}
| key = {{{Kernelcache2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{Kernelcache2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = leaphaptics
| header = LeapHaptics
| file = {{{LeapHaptics|}}}
| iv = {{{LeapHapticsIV|}}}
| key = {{{LeapHapticsKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{LeapHapticsKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{LeapHaptics2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = leaphaptics2
| header = LeapHaptics
| file = {{{LeapHaptics2|}}}
| iv = {{{LeapHaptics2IV|}}}
| key = {{{LeapHaptics2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{LeapHaptics2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = liquiddetect
| header = LiquidDetect
| file = {{{LiquidDetect|}}}
| iv = {{{LiquidDetectIV|}}}
| key = {{{LiquidDetectKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{LiquidDetectKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{LiquidDetect2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = liquiddetect2
| header = LiquidDetect
| file = {{{LiquidDetect2|}}}
| iv = {{{LiquidDetect2IV|}}}
| key = {{{LiquidDetect2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{LiquidDetect2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = llb
| header = [[LLB]]
| file = {{{LLB|}}}
| iv = {{{LLBIV|}}}
| key = {{{LLBKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{LLBKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{LLB2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = llb2
| header = LLB
| file = {{{LLB2|}}}
| iv = {{{LLB2IV|}}}
| key = {{{LLB2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{LLB2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = lowpowermode
| header = LowPowerMode
| file = {{{LowPowerMode|}}}
| iv = {{{LowPowerModeIV|}}}
| key = {{{LowPowerModeKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{LowPowerModeKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{LowPowerMode2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = lowpowermode2
| header = LowPowerMode
| file = {{{LowPowerMode2|}}}
| iv = {{{LowPowerMode2IV|}}}
| key = {{{LowPowerMode2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{LowPowerMode2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = lowpowerfindmymode
| header = LowPowerFindMyMode
| file = {{{LowPowerFindMyMode|}}}
| iv = {{{LowPowerFindMyModeIV|}}}
| key = {{{LowPowerFindMyModeKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{LowPowerFindMyModeKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{LowPowerFindMyMode2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = lowpowerfindmymode2
| header = LowPowerFindMyMode
| file = {{{LowPowerFindMyMode2|}}}
| iv = {{{LowPowerFindMyMode2IV|}}}
| key = {{{LowPowerFindMyMode2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{LowPowerFindMyMode2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = mconnector
| header = MConnector
| file = {{{MConnector|}}}
| iv = {{{MConnectorIV|}}}
| key = {{{MConnectorKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{MConnectorKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{MConnector2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = mconnector2
| header = MConnector
| file = {{{MConnector2|}}}
| iv = {{{MConnector2IV|}}}
| key = {{{MConnector2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{MConnector2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = multitouch
| header = Multitouch
| file = {{{Multitouch|}}}
| iv = {{{MultitouchIV|}}}
| key = {{{MultitouchKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{MultitouchKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{Multitouch2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = multitouch2
| header = Multitouch
| file = {{{Multitouch2|}}}
| iv = {{{Multitouch2IV|}}}
| key = {{{Multitouch2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{Multitouch2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = needservice
| header = NeedService
| file = {{{NeedService|}}}
| iv = {{{NeedServiceIV|}}}
| key = {{{NeedServiceKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{NeedServiceKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{NeedService2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = needservice2
| header = NeedService
| file = {{{NeedService2|}}}
| iv = {{{NeedService2IV|}}}
| key = {{{NeedService2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{NeedService2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = pmp
| header = PMP
| file = {{{PMP|}}}
| iv = {{{PMPIV|}}}
| key = {{{PMPKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{PMPKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{PMP2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = pmp2
| header = PMP
| file = {{{PMP2|}}}
| iv = {{{PMP2IV|}}}
| key = {{{PMP2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{PMP2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = rans
| header = RANS
| file = {{{RANS|}}}
| iv = {{{RANSIV|}}}
| key = {{{RANSKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{RANSKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{RANS2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = rans2
| header = RANS
| file = {{{RANS2|}}}
| iv = {{{RANS2IV|}}}
| key = {{{RANS2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{RANS2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = recoverymode
| header = [[RecoveryMode]]
| file = {{{RecoveryMode|}}}
| iv = {{{RecoveryModeIV|}}}
| key = {{{RecoveryModeKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{RecoveryModeKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{RecoveryMode2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = recoverymode2
| header = RecoveryMode
| file = {{{RecoveryMode2|}}}
| iv = {{{RecoveryMode2IV|}}}
| key = {{{RecoveryMode2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{RecoveryMode2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = rtpfirmware
| header = RTPFirmware
| file = {{{RTPFirmware|}}}
| iv = {{{RTPFirmwareIV|}}}
| key = {{{RTPFirmwareKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{RTPFirmwareKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{RTPFirmware2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = rtpfirmware2
| header = RTPFirmware
| file = {{{RTPFirmware2|}}}
| iv = {{{RTPFirmware2IV|}}}
| key = {{{RTPFirmware2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{RTPFirmware2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = sepfirmware
| header = SEP-Firmware
| file = {{{SEPFirmware|}}}
| iv = {{{SEPFirmwareIV|}}}
| key = {{{SEPFirmwareKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{SEPFirmwareKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{SEPFirmware2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = sepfirmware2
| header = SEP-Firmware
| file = {{{SEPFirmware2|}}}
| iv = {{{SEPFirmware2IV|}}}
| key = {{{SEPFirmware2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{SEPFirmware2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = smartiofirmware
| header = SmartIO Firmware
| file = {{{SmartIOFirmware|}}}
| iv = {{{SmartIOFirmwareIV|}}}
| key = {{{SmartIOFirmwareKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{SmartIOFirmwareKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{SmartIOFirmware2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = smartiofirmware2
| header = SmartIO Firmware
| file = {{{SmartIOFirmware2|}}}
| iv = {{{SmartIOFirmware2IV|}}}
| key = {{{SmartIOFirmware2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{SmartIOFirmware2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
| id = wirelesspower
| header = WirelessPower
| file = {{{WirelessPower|}}}
| iv = {{{WirelessPowerIV|}}}
| key = {{{WirelessPowerKey|}}}
| kbag = {{{WirelessPowerKBAG|}}}
| model = {{#if: {{{WirelessPower2|}}} | {{{Model}}} }}
| id = wirelesspower2
| header = WirelessPower
| file = {{{WirelessPower2|}}}
| iv = {{{WirelessPower2IV|}}}
| key = {{{WirelessPower2Key|}}}
| kbag = {{{WirelessPower2KBAG|}}}
| model = {{{Model2}}}
-->[[Category:All Key Pages]]<!--
-->{{#if: {{{Device|}}} | [[Category:{{#switch: {{{Device}}}
-->{{#if: {{{Device|}}} | [[Category:{{#switch: {{{Device}}}
| AppleTV2,1 = Apple TV 2G
| AppleTV2,1 = Apple TV (2nd generation)
| AppleTV3,1 = Apple TV 3G (AppleTV3,1)
| AppleTV3,1 = Apple TV (3rd generation) (AppleTV3,1)
| AppleTV3,2 = Apple TV 3G (AppleTV3,2)
| AppleTV3,2 = Apple TV (3rd generation) (AppleTV3,2)
| AppleTV5,4 = Apple TV 4G
| AppleTV5,3 = Apple TV HD
| Watch1,1 = Apple Watch (Watch1,1)
| AppleTV6,2 = Apple TV 4K
| Watch1,2 = Apple Watch (Watch1,2)
| AppleTV11,1 = Apple TV 4K (2nd generation)
| Watch1,1 = Apple Watch (1st generation) 38mm (Watch1,1)
| iPad1,1 = iPad
| iPad2,7 = iPad mini (iPad2,7)
| Watch3,2 = Apple Watch Series 3 42mm (Watch3,2)
| iPad3,1 = iPad 3 (iPad3,1)
| Watch3,3 = Apple Watch Series 3 38mm (Watch3,3)
| iPad3,2 = iPad 3 (iPad3.2)
| Watch3,4 = Apple Watch Series 3 42mm (Watch3,4)
| iPad3,3 = iPad 3 (iPad3,3)
| Watch4,1 = Apple Watch Series 4 (Watch4,1)
| iPad3,4 = iPad 4 (iPad3,4)
| Watch4,2 = Apple Watch Series 4 (Watch4,2)
| iPad3,5 = iPad 4 (iPad3,5)
| Watch4,3 = Apple Watch Series 4 (Watch4,3)
| iPad3,6 = iPad 4 (iPad3,6)
| Watch4,4 = Apple Watch Series 4 (Watch4,4)
| iPad4,1 = iPad Air (iPad4,1)
| Watch5,1 = Apple Watch Series 5 (Watch5,1)
| iPad4,2 = iPad Air (iPad4,2)
| Watch5,2 = Apple Watch Series 5 (Watch5,2)
| iPad4,3 = iPad Air (iPad4,3)
| Watch5,3 = Apple Watch Series 5 (Watch5,3)
| iPad4,4 = iPad mini 2 (iPad4,4)
| Watch5,4 = Apple Watch Series 5 (Watch5,4)
| iPad4,5 = iPad mini 2 (iPad4,5)
| Watch5,9 = Apple Watch SE (Watch5,9)
| iPad4,6 = iPad mini 2 (iPad4,6)
| Watch5,10 = Apple Watch SE (Watch5,10)
| iPad4,7 = iPad mini 3 (iPad4,7)
| Watch5,11 = Apple Watch SE (Watch5,11)
| iPad4,8 = iPad mini 3 (iPad4,8)
| Watch5,12 = Apple Watch SE (Watch5,12)
| iPad4,9 = iPad mini 3 (iPad4,9)
| Watch6,1 = Apple Watch Series 6 (Watch6,1)
| iPad5,1 = iPad mini 4 (iPad5,1)
| Watch6,2 = Apple Watch Series 6 (Watch6,2)
| iPad5,2 = iPad mini 4 (iPad5,2)
| Watch6,3 = Apple Watch Series 6 (Watch6,3)
| iPad5,3 = iPad Air 2 (iPad5,3)
| Watch6,4 = Apple Watch Series 6 (Watch6,4)
| iPad5,4 = iPad Air 2 (iPad5,4)
| Watch6,6 = Apple Watch Series 7 (Watch6,6)
| iPad6,7 = iPad Pro (iPad6,7)
| Watch6,7 = Apple Watch Series 7 (Watch6,7)
| iPad6,8 = iPad Pro (iPad6,8)
| Watch6,8 = Apple Watch Series 7 (Watch6,8)
| Watch6,9 = Apple Watch Series 7 (Watch6,9)
| iPhone1,1 = iPhone
| Watch6,15 = Apple Watch Series 8 (Watch6,15)
| iPhone4,1 = iPhone 4S
| iBridge
| iPhone5,4 = iPhone 5c (iPhone5,4)
| iBridge2,1
| iPhone6,1 = iPhone 5s (iPhone6,1)
| iBridge2,3
| iPhone6,2 = iPhone 5s (iPhone6,2)
| iBridge2,4
| iPhone7,1 = iPhone 6 Plus
| iBridge2,5
| iPhone7,2 = iPhone 6
| iBridge2,6
| iPhone8,1 = iPhone 6s
| iBridge2,7
| iPhone8,2 = iPhone 6s Plus
| iBridge2,8
| iPod1,1 = iPod touch
| iBridge2,10
| iPod2,1 = iPod touch 2G
| iBridge2,12
| iPod3,1 = iPod touch 3G
| iBridge2,14
| iPod4,1 = iPod touch 4G
| iBridge2,15
| iPod5,1 = iPod touch 5G
| iBridge2,16
| iPod7,1 = iPod touch 6G
| iPad2,1 = iPad 2 (iPad2,1)
| Watch1,2 = Apple Watch (1st generation) 42mm (Watch1,2)
| iPad2,2 = iPad 2 (iPad2,2)
| Watch2,3 = Apple Watch Series 2 38mm (Watch2,3)
| iPad2,3 = iPad 2 (iPad2,3)
| Watch2,4 = Apple Watch Series 2 42mm (Watch2,4)
| iPad2,4 = iPad 2 (iPad2,4)
| Watch2,6 = Apple Watch Series 1 38mm (Watch2,6)
| iPad2,5 = iPad mini (iPad2,5)
| Watch2,7 = Apple Watch Series 1 42mm (Watch2,7)
| iPad2,6 = iPad mini (iPad2,6)
| Watch3,1 = Apple Watch Series 3 38mm (Watch3,1)
| iPhone1,2 = iPhone 3G
| Watch6,10 = Apple Watch SE (Watch6,10)
| iPhone2,1 = iPhone 3GS
| Watch6,11 = Apple Watch SE (Watch6,11)
| iPhone3,1 = iPhone 4 (iPhone3,1)
| Watch6,12 = Apple Watch SE (Watch6,12)
| iPhone3,2 = iPhone 4 (iPhone3,2)
| Watch6,13 = Apple Watch SE (Watch6,13)
| iPhone3,3 = iPhone 4 (iPhone3,3)
| Watch6,14 = Apple Watch Series 8 (Watch6,14)
| iPhone5,1 = iPhone 5 (iPhone5,1)
| Watch6,16 = Apple Watch Series 8 (Watch6,16)
| iPhone5,2 = iPhone 5 (iPhone5,2)
| Watch6,17 = Apple Watch Series 8 (Watch6,17)
| iPhone5,3 = iPhone 5c (iPhone5,3)
| Watch6,18 = Apple Watch Ultra
| iBridge2,19
| iBridge2,20
| iBridge2,21
| iBridge2,22 = iBridge
| AudioAccessory1,1 = HomePod (AudioAccessory1,1)
| AudioAccessory1,2 = HomePod (AudioAccessory1,2)
| AudioAccessory5,1 = HomePod mini
| iPad1,1 = iPad
| iPad2,1 = iPad 2 (iPad2,1)
| iPad2,2 = iPad 2 (iPad2,2)
| iPad2,3 = iPad 2 (iPad2,3)
| iPad2,4 = iPad 2 (iPad2,4)
| iPad2,5 = iPad mini (iPad2,5)
| iPad2,6 = iPad mini (iPad2,6)
| iPad2,7 = iPad mini (iPad2,7)
| iPad3,1 = iPad (3rd generation) (iPad3,1)
| iPad3,2 = iPad (3rd generation) (iPad3,2)
| iPad3,3 = iPad (3rd generation) (iPad3,3)
| iPad3,4 = iPad (4th generation) (iPad3,4)
| iPad3,5 = iPad (4th generation) (iPad3,5)
| iPad3,6 = iPad (4th generation) (iPad3,6)
| iPad4,1 = iPad Air (iPad4,1)
| iPad4,2 = iPad Air (iPad4,2)
| iPad4,3 = iPad Air (iPad4,3)
| iPad4,4 = iPad mini 2 (iPad4,4)
| iPad4,5 = iPad mini 2 (iPad4,5)
| iPad4,6 = iPad mini 2 (iPad4,6)
| iPad4,7 = iPad mini 3 (iPad4,7)
| iPad4,8 = iPad mini 3 (iPad4,8)
| iPad4,9 = iPad mini 3 (iPad4,9)
| iPad5,1 = iPad mini 4 (iPad5,1)
| iPad5,2 = iPad mini 4 (iPad5,2)
| iPad5,3 = iPad Air 2 (iPad5,3)
| iPad5,4 = iPad Air 2 (iPad5,4)
| iPad6,3 = iPad Pro (iPad6,3)
| iPad6,4 = iPad Pro (iPad6,4)
| iPad6,7 = iPad Pro (iPad6,7)
| iPad6,8 = iPad Pro (iPad6,8)
| iPad6,11 = iPad (5th generation) (iPad6,11)
| iPad6,12 = iPad (5th generation) (iPad6,12)
| iPad7,1 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (iPad7,1)
| iPad7,2 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (iPad7,2)
| iPad7,3 = iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (iPad7,3)
| iPad7,4 = iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (iPad7,4)
| iPad7,5 = iPad (6th generation) (iPad7,5)
| iPad7,6 = iPad (6th generation) (iPad7,6)
| iPad7,11 = iPad (7th generation) (iPad7,11)
| iPad7,12 = iPad (7th generation) (iPad7,12)
| iPad8,1 = iPad Pro (11-inch) (iPad8,1)
| iPad8,2 = iPad Pro (11-inch) (iPad8,2)
| iPad8,3 = iPad Pro (11-inch) (iPad8,3)
| iPad8,4 = iPad Pro (11-inch) (iPad8,4)
| iPad8,5 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation) (iPad8,5)
| iPad8,6 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation) (iPad8,6)
| iPad8,7 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation) (iPad8,7)
| iPad8,8 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation) (iPad8,8)
| iPad8,9 = iPad Pro (11-inch) (2nd generation) (iPad8,9)
| iPad8,10 = iPad Pro (11-inch) (2nd generation) (iPad8,10)
| iPad8,11 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (4th generation) (iPad8,11)
| iPad8,12 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (4th generation) (iPad8,12)
| iPad11,1 = iPad mini (5th generation) (iPad11,1)
| iPad11,2 = iPad mini (5th generation) (iPad11,2)
| iPad11,3 = iPad Air (3rd generation) (iPad11,3)
| iPad11,4 = iPad Air (3rd generation) (iPad11,4)
| iPad11,6 = iPad (8th generation) (iPad11,6)
| iPad11,7 = iPad (8th generation) (iPad11,7)
| iPad12,1 = iPad (9th generation) (iPad12,1)
| iPad12,2 = iPad (9th generation) (iPad12,2)
| iPad13,1 = iPad Air (4th generation) (iPad13,1)
| iPad13,2 = iPad Air (4th generation) (iPad13,2)
| iPad13,4 = iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) (iPad13,4)
| iPad13,5 = iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) (iPad13,5)
| iPad13,6 = iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) (iPad13,6)
| iPad13,7 = iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) (iPad13,7)
| iPad13,8 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation) (iPad13,8)
| iPad13,9 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation) (iPad13,9)
| iPad13,10 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation) (iPad13,10)
| iPad13,11 = iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation) (iPad13,11)
| iPad13,16 = iPad Air (5th generation) (iPad13,16)
| iPad13,17 = iPad Air (5th generation) (iPad13,17)
| iPad14,1 = iPad mini (6th generation) (iPad14,1)
| iPad14,2 = iPad mini (6th generation) (iPad14,2)
| iPhone1,1 = iPhone
| iPhone1,2 = iPhone 3G
| iPhone2,1 = iPhone 3GS
| iPhone3,1 = iPhone 4 (iPhone3,1)
| iPhone3,2 = iPhone 4 (iPhone3,2)
| iPhone3,3 = iPhone 4 (iPhone3,3)
| iPhone4,1 = iPhone 4S
| iPhone5,1 = iPhone 5 (iPhone5,1)
| iPhone5,2 = iPhone 5 (iPhone5,2)
| iPhone5,3 = iPhone 5c (iPhone5,3)
| iPhone5,4 = iPhone 5c (iPhone5,4)
| iPhone6,1 = iPhone 5s (iPhone6,1)
| iPhone6,2 = iPhone 5s (iPhone6,2)
| iPhone7,1 = iPhone 6 Plus
| iPhone7,2 = iPhone 6
| iPhone8,1 = iPhone 6s
| iPhone8,2 = iPhone 6s Plus
| iPhone8,4 = iPhone SE (1st generation)
| iPhone9,1 = iPhone 7 (iPhone9,1)
| iPhone9,2 = iPhone 7 Plus (iPhone9,2)
| iPhone9,3 = iPhone 7 (iPhone9,3)
| iPhone9,4 = iPhone 7 Plus (iPhone9,4)
| iPhone10,1 = iPhone 8 (iPhone10,1)
| iPhone10,2 = iPhone 8 Plus (iPhone10,2)
| iPhone10,3 = iPhone X (iPhone10,3)
| iPhone10,4 = iPhone 8 (iPhone10,4)
| iPhone10,5 = iPhone 8 Plus (iPhone10,5)
| iPhone10,6 = iPhone X (iPhone10,6)
| iPhone11,2 = iPhone XS
| iPhone11,4 = iPhone XS Max (iPhone11,4)
| iPhone11,6 = iPhone XS Max (iPhone11,6)
| iPhone11,8 = iPhone XR
| iPhone12,1 = iPhone 11
| iPhone12,3 = iPhone 11 Pro
| iPhone12,5 = iPhone 11 Pro Max
| iPhone12,8 = iPhone SE (2nd generation)
| iPhone13,1 = iPhone 12 mini
| iPhone13,2 = iPhone 12
| iPhone13,3 = iPhone 12 Pro
| iPhone13,4 = iPhone 12 Pro Max
| iPhone14,2 = iPhone 13 Pro
| iPhone14,3 = iPhone 13 Pro Max
| iPhone14,4 = iPhone 13 mini
| iPhone14,5 = iPhone 13
| iPhone14,6 = iPhone SE (3rd generation)
| iPhone14,7 = iPhone 14
| iPhone14,8 = iPhone 14 Plus
| iPhone15,2 = iPhone 14 Pro
| iPhone15,3 = iPhone 14 Pro Max
| iPod1,1 = iPod touch
| iPod2,1 = iPod touch (2nd generation)
| iPod3,1 = iPod touch (3rd generation)
| iPod4,1 = iPod touch (4th generation)
| iPod5,1 = iPod touch (5th generation)
| iPod7,1 = iPod touch (6th generation)
| iPod9,1 = iPod touch (7th generation)
}} Key Page]] }}<!--
}} Key Page]] }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{Version|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{Version|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{Build|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{Build|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{Device|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{Device|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{Codename|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{Codename|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-- Baseband is checked in infobox --
-- Baseband is checked in infobox --
-- if (Model && !Model2) --
-->{{#if: {{{RootFS|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-->{{#ifeq: {{{RootFSKey|}}} | TODO | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{Model|}}} | {{#if: {{{Model2|}}} | | [[Category:Pages With Incorrect Template Usage]] }} | }}<!--
-->{{#ifeq: {{{Build}}} | 8A293 | {{#ifeq: {{{Device}}} | iPhone3,1 | |
-- if (RootFSKey && !RootFS) --
{{#if: {{{GMRootFS|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}
-->{{#if: {{{RootFSKey|}}}
}}}}<!-- remove when 8A293 GM filenames are added (iPod2,1 and iPod3,1 left)
| {{#if: {{{RootFS|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}
-- Other files checked by {{keys/helper}} --
-- if (RootFSBetaKey && !RootFSBeta) --
-->{{#if: {{{RootFSBetaKey|}}}
| {{#if: {{{RootFSBeta|}}} | | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}
-- if (RootFSKey == "Unknown" || RootFSBetaKey == "Unknown") --
-->{{#ifeq: {{{RootFSKey|}}} | Unknown | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-->{{#ifeq: {{{RootFSBetaKey|}}} | Unknown | [[Category:Incomplete Key Pages]] }}<!--
-- other files checked by {{keys/helper}} --
-->{{#ifeq: {{{RootFS|}}} | XXX-XXXX-XXX | [[Category:Pages With Incorrect Template Usage]] }}<!--
-->{{#ifeq: {{{UpdateRamdisk|}}} | XXX-XXXX-XXX | [[Category:Pages With Incorrect Template Usage]] }}<!--
-- "Pages With Incorrect Template Usage" category added by {{keys/helper}} --
-->{{#ifeq: {{{RestoreRamdisk|}}} | XXX-XXXX-XXX | [[Category:Pages With Incorrect Template Usage]] }}<!--

Latest revision as of 02:35, 8 September 2022

This is the key template for the key pages. When a page uses this template, it is added to the Key Pages category.


If the device is not an iPhone or a cellular iPad, delete the Baseband parameter.

If the device is an Apple TV (iOS versions), set Version to the marketing version with the internal version in parenthesis.

For each *, *IV, and *Key section, put the file name on the first line. If the item is the Root FS or a ramdisk, remove the .dmg file extension. If that firmware item does not exist in that firmware, delete its parameter section. If the firmware item is not encrypted, set *IV to "Not Encrypted" and delete the *Key parameter. If the key/iv is not known, then the KBAG should be added.

For devices such as iPhone 6s that have two sets of files such as N71AP and N71mAP, then a second file can be added underneath with a "2" at the end of the name. For example, you can have AppleLogo and AppleLogo2 blocks.

If the page is created for a device/iOS with only an OTA, you don't need to use rootfs and must use UpdateRamdiskOTA instead of UpdateRamdisk (does not append the .dmg)

For DownloadURL, do not place anything other than URLs to free firmwares hosted on Apple Inc.'s servers. For beta firmwares, delete the parameter.

 | Version                = 
 | Build                  = 
 | Device                 = 
 | Codename               = 
 | Baseband               = 
 | DownloadURL            = 

 | RootFS                 = 
 | RootFSKey              = Unknown

 | UpdateRamdisk          = 
 | UpdateRamdiskIV        = Unknown
 | UpdateRamdiskKey       = Unknown
 | UpdateRamdiskKBAG      =

 | UpdateRamdiskOTA       = 
 | UpdateRamdiskOTAIV     = Not Encrypted

 | RestoreRamdisk         = 
 | RestoreRamdiskIV       = Unknown
 | RestoreRamdiskKey      = Unknown
 | RestoreRamdiskKBAG     = 

 | ACIBTFirmware          = 
 | ACIBTFirmwareIV        = Not Encrypted

 | ACIWiFiFirmware        = 
 | ACIWiFiFirmwareIV      = Not Encrypted

 | ADCPetra               =
 | ADCPetraIV             = Unknown
 | ADCPetraKey            = Unknown
 | ADCPetraKBAG           =

 | ARMFW                  =
 | ARMFWIV                = Not Encrypted

 | ANSF                   =
 | ANSFIV                 = Not Encrypted

 | ANE                    =
 | ANEIV                  = Not Encrypted

 | AOPFirmware            = 
 | AOPFirmwareIV          = Not Encrypted

 | AppleAVE               =
 | AppleAVEIV             = Not Encrypted

 | AppleLogo              = 
 | AppleLogoIV            = Unknown
 | AppleLogoKey           = Unknown
 | AppleLogoKBAG          = 

 | AppleMaggie            = 
 | AppleMaggieIV          = Not Encrypted

 | AudioCodecFirmware     = 
 | AudioCodecFirmwareIV   = Not Encrypted

 | BatteryCharging0       = 
 | BatteryCharging0IV     = Unknown
 | BatteryCharging0Key    = Unknown
 | BatteryCharging0KBAG   = 

 | BatteryCharging1       = 
 | BatteryCharging1IV     = Unknown
 | BatteryCharging1Key    = Unknown
 | BatteryCharging1KBAG   = 

 | BatteryFull            = 
 | BatteryFullIV          = Unknown
 | BatteryFullKey         = Unknown
 | BatteryFullKBAG        = 

 | BatteryLow0            = 
 | BatteryLow0IV          = Unknown
 | BatteryLow0Key         = Unknown
 | BatteryLow0KBAG        = 

 | BatteryLow1            = 
 | BatteryLow1IV          = Unknown
 | BatteryLow1Key         = Unknown
 | BatteryLow1KBAG        =

 | Cryptex1,AppOS         = 
 | Cryptex1,AppOSIV       = Unknown
 | Cryptex1,AppOSKey      = Unknown
 | Cryptex1,AppOSKBAG     =

 | Cryptex1,SystemOS      = 
 | Cryptex1,SystemOSIV    = Unknown
 | Cryptex1,SystemOSKey   = Unknown
 | Cryptex1,SystemOSKBAG  =

 | Dali                   = 
 | DaliIV                 = Unknown
 | DaliKey                = Unknown
 | DaliKBAG               = 

 | DCP                    =
 | DCPIV                  = Not Encrypted

 | DeviceTree             = 
 | DeviceTreeIV           = Unknown
 | DeviceTreeKey          = Unknown
 | DeviceTreeKBAG         = 

 | GlyphCharging          = 
 | GlyphChargingIV        = Unknown
 | GlyphChargingKey       = Unknown
 | GlyphChargingKBAG      = 

 | GlyphPlugin            = 
 | GlyphPluginIV          = Unknown
 | GlyphPluginKey         = Unknown
 | GlyphPluginKBAG        = 

 | HapticAssets           = 
 | HapticAssetsIV         = Not Encrypted

 | Homer                  = 
 | HomerIV                = Not Encrypted

 | iBEC                   = 
 | iBECIV                 = Unknown
 | iBECKey                = Unknown
 | iBECKBAG               =

 | iBoot                  = 
 | iBootIV                = Unknown
 | iBootKey               = Unknown
 | iBootKBAG              = 

 | iBootData              = 
 | iBootDataIV            = Unknown
 | iBootDataKey           = Unknown
 | iBootDataKBAG          = 

 | iBSS                   = 
 | iBSSIV                 = Unknown
 | iBSSKey                = Unknown
 | iBSSKBAG               = 

 | ISP                    = 
 | ISPIV                  = Not Encrypted

 | Kernelcache            = 
 | KernelcacheIV          = Unknown
 | KernelcacheKey         = Unknown
 | KernelcacheKBAG        = 

 | LeapHaptics            = 
 | LeapHapticsIV          = Not Encrypted

 | LiquidDetect           = 
 | LiquidDetectIV         = Not Encrypted

 | LLB                    = 
 | LLBIV                  = Unknown
 | LLBKey                 = Unknown
 | LLBKBAG                = 

 | LowPowerMode           =
 | LowPowerModeIV         = Not Encrypted

 | LowPowerFindMyMode     =
 | LowPowerFindMyModeIV   = Not Encrypted

 | MConnector             =
 | MConnectorIV           = Not Encrypted

 | Multitouch             =
 | MultitouchIV           = Not Encrypted

 | NeedService            = 
 | NeedServiceIV          = Unknown
 | NeedServiceKey         = Unknown
 | NeedServiceKBAG        =

 | PMP                    = 
 | PMPIV                  = Not Encrypted

 | RANS                   = 
 | RANSIV                 = Not Encrypted

 | RTPFirmware            = 
 | RTPFirmwareIV          = Not Encrypted

 | RecoveryMode           = 
 | RecoveryModeIV         = Unknown
 | RecoveryModeKey        = Unknown
 | RecoveryModeKBAG       = 

 | SEPFirmware            = 
 | SEPFirmwareIV          = Unknown
 | SEPFirmwareKey         = Unknown
 | SEPFirmwareKBAG        =

 | SmartIOFirmware        =
 | SmartIOFirmwareIV      = Not Encrypted

 | WirelessPower          =
 | WirelessPowerIV        = Not Encrypted