Difference between revisions of "Talk:Preventing Baseband Update"

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Revision as of 03:14, 29 November 2010

No success

I tried this and it didn't work. I used an iPhone 4 with firmware 4.1 and baseband 1.59.00, trying to upgrade it to stock firmware 4.2.1, preserving the baseband.

One thing that was unclear is the plist edit. There was another entry SystemPartitionSyize=1024(integer) (<key>SystemPartitionSize</key><integer>1024</integer>). It was not clear if this should be removed or not. I tried both.

To reencrypt, it used the command

xpwntool 038-0032-002_modified.dmg 038-0032-002_reencrypted.dmg -t 038-0032-002_original.dmg -k 06849aead2e9a6ca8a82c3929bad5c2368942e3681a3d5751720d2aacf0694c0 -iv 9b20ae16bebf4cf1b9101374c3ab0095

With key and iv from here (must be correct, otherwise decryption wouldn't have worked). Then rename 038-0032-002_reencrypted.dmg to original name and back into the ipsw.

To prepare for custom firmware flashing, I used redsn0w 0.9.6b4, reading initial 4.1 firmware.

Without the SystemPartitionSize, I received an iTunes unknown error 46 when it started to flash. With the SystemPartitionSize it went a few seconds longer and I got iTunes error 14.

Anything I am doing wrong? Did anybody else complete this successfully? Or was this just a joke? --http 03:14, 29 November 2010 (UTC)