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Revision as of 06:17, 1 January 2014

Original author(s) Apple Inc.
Developer(s) Apple Inc.
Operating system iOS command line
Size 59.184 Byte [APP]
Available in English
Type ?
License Closed source

seputil has the following commands:

seputil: seputil [--wait] --load <file>
seputil: seputil '<SEP console command>'
seputil: seputil <command>
seputil: Valid <command> words:
seputil:     --ping        Send a PING operation to the SEP OS
seputil:     --load        Load <file> as the SEP runtime firmware
seputil:     --restore     Load <file> as the SEP runtime firmware in restore mode
seputil:     --restore+art Load <file> as the SEP runtime firmware in restore mode with ART
seputil:     --wait        Pause for kernel driver to load before failing
seputil:     --preflight   Pre-flight load/restore firmware against ART to pre-check for boot failures
seputil:     --log         Dump the mailbox message log
seputil:     --rom status  Get the ROM status
seputil:     --rom tz0     Send a ROM TZ0 command
seputil:     --rom nop     Send a ROM NOP command
seputil:     --rom nonce   Send a ROM nonce request
seputil:     --new-nonce   Request new SEP/OS nonce
seputil:     --kill-nonce  Request invalidate SEP/OS nonce
seputil:     --art get     Dump current ART from Memory
seputil:     --art set     Persist the supplied ART to storage
seputil:     --art clear   Clear the persisted ART
seputil:     --art ctrtest Counter self-test (DESTRUCTIVE - WILL BRICK DEVICE)
seputil:     --sleep       Sleep the SEP NOW!
seputil:     --nap         Nap the SEP NOW!
seputil:     --pingflood   Ping SEP endlessly
seputil:     --clkgate     Enable SEP clock gating
seputil:     --get <obj>   Read obj and write to stdout
seputil:     --put <obj>   Read stdin and write to obj
seputil:     --boot-check <file>  Check whether a firmware might be bootable WRT the current ART
seputil:     --dump-fw <file>     Dump measurements of firmware file
seputil:   Bare words on the commandline are sent to the SEP as a console command