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(New page: LLB irq table IRQ 6: 84003039 0 0 IRQ 11: 8400327D 8401209C 0 IRQ 13: 8400327D 8401200C 0 IRQ 14: 84005681 4 0 IRQ 15: 84005681 3 0...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 19:34, 8 October 2009

LLB irq table IRQ 6: 84003039 0 0 IRQ 11: 8400327D 8401209C 0 IRQ 13: 8400327D 8401200C 0 IRQ 14: 84005681 4 0 IRQ 15: 84005681 3 0 IRQ 16: 84005681 2 0 IRQ 17: 84005681 1 0 IRQ 18: 84005681 0 0 IRQ 1E: 840021B9 84014360 0 IRQ 1F: 840021B9 84014200 0 iBoot irq table IRQ 6: 4FF04DF5 0 0 IRQ E: 4FF12AED 0 0 synopsys_otg_handle_endpoint_out IRQ 11: 4FF05039 4FF29100 0 IRQ 13: 4FF05039 4FF29070 0 IRQ 14: 4FF11AF5 4 0 uart stuff IRQ 15: 4FF11AF5 3 0 uart stuff IRQ 16: 4FF11AF5 2 0 uart stuff IRQ 17: 4FF11AF5 1 0 uart stuff IRQ 18: 4FF11AF5 0 0 uart stuff IRQ 1E: 4FF039A9 4FF2CBB0 0 H2fmi misc stuff IRQ 1F: 4FF039A9 4FF2CA50 0 H2fmi misc stuff IRQ 2F: 4FF01655 5 0 dma_int_handler IRQ 30: 4FF01655 6 0 dma_int_handler IRQ 31: 4FF01655 7 0 dma_int_handler IRQ 32: 4FF01655 8 0 dma_int_handler