Talk:ARM7 Go

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Revision as of 02:17, 18 January 2009 by Oranav (talk | contribs) (RE: RE: How do you pass the bootrom RSA checks?)
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My Payload

(Since RedSn0w will be out any day, this is just for the hell of it :)

If anyone has any ideas and would like to mess around with this hack, here is some code that (should) patch a 2.1.1 iBSS that you loaded, in memory. Again, just for fun, as the dev team probably has redsn0w, it's payload, and program almost completed.

@ ipod touch 2G ibss 2.1.1 patcher
@ by chronic with some gas help from ius
@ assemble this with gas

.section .text
   .global _start
      stmdb sp!, {r0-r6}
      ldr r0, =rangePatch
      ldr r1, =permsPatch
      ldr r2, =sigchPatch
      ldr r3, =sigchecLoc
      ldr r4, =permschLoc
      ldr r6, =rangechLoc
      strh r1, [r4]
      strh r0, [r6]
      strh r2, [r3]
      ldmia sp!, {r0-r6}
      mov pc, lr

.section .data
   sigchecLoc: .word 0x2200F2FE
   permschLoc: .word 0x2200C330
   rangechLoc: .word 0x2200C3A6
   rangePatch: .hword 0x0120
   permsPatch: .hword 0x0124
   sigchPatch: .hword 0x0020

ChronicDev 19:45, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

How do you pass the bootrom RSA checks?

I've noticed that the exploit is at the iBoot level. So how do you (or the Dev-Team) pass the bootrom RSA checks?


RE: How do you pass the bootrom RSA checks?

I do not know how it is done, but taking the screenshot on the latest devteam blog post, they have found a way to do so.

RE: RE: How do you pass the bootrom RSA checks?

Okay, as to MuscleNerd's redsn0w demo, it's pretty yellowsn0w like - you have to let the bootrom sigchecks pass, and then use the exploit every time the device boots. Pretty annoying, but that's the only option without a way to pass bootrom sigchecks.
