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Contains core plugins for Siri. Most bundles work as Siri functions in iOS 5 and above.


Name (.assistantBundle) Core plugin of XXX UIPlugin 5.x 6.0.x Notes
AddressBook AddressBook. Yes Yes --
Applications AppLauching. No Yes --
Calendar Calendar. Yes Yes --
ChatKitAssistant ChatKitAssistant. Yes Yes --
FMF FMF. Yes Yes Only functional if you have "FMF" app installed.
Mail Mail. Yes Yes --
Maps Maps. Yes Yes iOS 5.x use Google maps, iOS 6 and above use Apple maps.
Media Movies. No Yes Handle video playing.
MobileTimer MobileTimer. Yes Yes --
Notes Notes. Yes Yes --
Phone -- Yes Yes Handle FaceTime and Phone calling.
Reminders Reminders Yes Yes --
Social Microblog. No Yes --
Stocks Stocks. Yes Yes --
WebSearch -- Yes Yes Handle URL linking from Siri.