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The TYPE tag is a 32-bit unsigned integer (uint32_t
) that when viewed in little-endian format, states the type of firmware image the IMG2/IMG3/IMG4/IM4P file is. Is is compared with the second parameter of image_load
(register r1
[1]). If it does not match, image_load
will fail and the image will not be loaded. If 0
is passed in r1
, then the check is skipped.
- AppleLogo: logo (0x6C6F676F)
- BatteryCharging: batC (0x62617443)
- BatteryLow0: batl (0x6261744C)
- BatteryLow1: batL (0x6261746C)
- DeviceTree: dtre (0x64747265)
- iBoot: ibot (0x69626F74)
- LLB: llbz (0x6C6C627A)
- NeedService: nsrv (0x6E737276)
- RecoveryMode: recm (0x7265636D)
- Any: empty string (0x00000000)
- AppleLogo: logo (0x6C6F676F)
- BatteryCharging0 (charging – bright): chg0 (0x63686730)
- BatteryCharging1 (charging – dim): chg1 (0x63686731)
- BatteryFull: batF (0x62617446)
- BatteryLow0 (empty): bat0 (0x62617430)
- BatteryLow1 (red, composed onto empty): bat1 (0x62617431)
- Dali: dali
- DeviceTree: dtre (0x64747265)
- DeviceTree restore: rdtr
- Diagnostics: diag
- Environment variables: ienv
- FDR Trust object for AP: fdrt
- FDR Trust object for SEP: fdrs
- GlyphCharging: glyC (0x676C7943)
- GlyphPlugin: glyP (0x676C7950)
- Hypervisor/monitor: hypr
- iBEC: ibec (0x69626563)
- iBoot: ibot (0x69626F74)
- iBSS: ibss (0x69627373)
- Kernelcache: krnl (0x62736E6C)
- Kernelcache restore: rkrn
- LLB: illb (0x696C6C62)
- NeedService: nsrv (0x6E737276)
- Restore Logo: rlgo
- OS restore image: rosi
- PE’s RTOS environment : pert
- PE’s Hammer test: hmmr
- Homer : homr
- Maggie Firmware : magg
- Alamo : almo
- Audio Codec Firmware : acfw
- Multitouch Firmware : mtfw
- GPU Firmware : gfxf
- Wireless Power(?) : wchf
- SmartIOFirmware : siof
- ANE Firmware : anef
- Static Trust Cache : trst
- Restore Trust Cache : rtsc
- EngineeringTrustcache: dtrs
- LoadableTrustCache: ltrs
- Low Power Wallet 0 : lpw0
- Low Power Wallet 1 : lpw1
- Low Power Wallet 2 : lpw2
- Ramdisk: rdsk (0x7264736B)
- RecoveryMode: recm (0x7265636D)
- SEP-Firmware (SEP OS): sepi (0x73657069)
- Restore SEP OS (the same tag is also present in sepboot): rsep
- AOP Firmware : aopf
- AVE : avef
- Input Device : ipdf
- Mac EFI : mefi
- PMP : pmpf
- System Locker : lckr
- ACIWIFI : aciw
- ACIBT : acib
- LeapHaptics : lphp
- OSRamdisk : osrd
- WCHFirmwareUpdater : wchf
- iBootTest : itst
- SCE : scef
- RTP : rtpf
- PersonalizedDMG : pdmg
- SiVal’s (Silicon Validation[2]) CFE loader: cfel
- SiVal’s RBM test: rbmt
- SiVal’s PHLEET test: phlt
- tsys tester
- ispf
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