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Folder that contains GNU Coreutils. The GNU Core Utilities are the basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system. These are the core utilities which are expected to exist on every operating system.
There are no folders that exist inside of /bin.
- bash
- bunzip2
- bzcat
- bzip2
- bzip2recover
- cat
- chgrp
- chmod
- chown
- cp
- date
- dd
- df
- dir
- echo
- egrep
- false
- fgrep
- grep
- gunzip
- gzexe
- gzip
- kill
- launchctl
- ln
- ls
- mkdir
- mknod
- mktemp
- mv
- pwd
- readlink
- rm
- rmdir
- se
- sh
- sleep
- stty
- su
- sync
- tar
- touch
- true
- uname
- uncompress
- vdir
- zcat
- zcmp
- zdiff
- zegrep
- zfgrep
- zforce
- zgrep
- zless
- zmore
- znew