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xCon is a collaborative project by n00neimp0rtant and Lunatik that aims to be an all-in-one solution for hooking every known method and function responsible for informing an application of a jailbroken device. At first, the project aimed to patch applications on a per-app basis, but now it uses lower-level hooks to cover any apps that attempt to use the same procedure, even patching apps not explicitly reversed by the developers. Originally an open-source project, it remains closed-source now to discourage App Store developers from working around xCon's hooks.

xCon is available free of charge in Cydia. No configuration is needed; just install and go.

For general infos, see Bypassing Jailbreak Detection.

App Patching Status

You can find an app's current release version in its iTunes listing page, linked below in the app names. If an app's current release version is newer than the "Last Confirmed Working Version," please help by testing it out yourself with the latest release of xCon and updating the table as necessary.

App Name Bundle Identifier Patched? Last Confirmed Working Version Notes
Barclays PingIt uk.co.barclays.PingIt Yes 1.0.2
Cablevision Optimum com.cablevision.rDVR Yes 2.1.2
Cablevision Optimum (iPad) com.cablevision.iOTV Yes 2.1.1
Capital One UK com.ukcapitalone.capitalone Yes 5.1
Commbank Kaching au.com.commbank.kaching Yes 1.1.0
Cox TV Connect com.cox.ios.ipad.tvconnect Yes 1.0.1
DirecTV for iPad com.directv.mobile.ipad.navigator.production Yes 1.5.0
DirecTV Nomad com.directv.mobile.iphone.nomad.production Yes 1.8.1
DStv Mobile Decoder com.multichoice.DStvMobileDVBH Yes 1.01.07
Flixster/Movies/Ultraviolet com.jeffreygrossman.moviesapp Yes 5.21
Golden Screen Cinemas com.sinodynamic.gsc Yes 1.4
Good For Enterprise com.good.gmmiphone Yes 1.9.7
iBooks com.apple.ibooks(2?) No ?
KB star com.kbstar.kbbank Yes 1.14.1
KB starPlus com.kbstar.starplus Yes 1.2.0
LOVEFiLM Player for iPad com.lovefilm.watchnow.ipad Yes 1.0
Maxis Movies com.maxis.moviebooking Yes 1.1.6
Maxis Movies (iPad) com.maxis.moviebookingipad Yes 1.1.2
McAfee EMM com.trustdigital.iTDClient Yes 4.7.1
MobileIron MyPhone@Work com.mobileiron.phoneatwork Yes 4.5.12
Skype com.skype.skype Yes 3.7
Sky Go com.bskyb.skygo Yes 2.1
Square com.squareup.square Yes 2.2.5
Telus Optik TV com.telus.nscreen Yes 1.1.2
TV live de la Orange com.orange.TVOrange Yes 1.0
TWC TV com.timewarnercable.simulcast Yes 2.6.1
Verizon Media Manager com.verizon.ams.flexview Yes
Voddler com.voddler.VoddlerHD Yes 1.2.1