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pHaseBanDowngrader is a tool that allows the user to downgrade your Baseband from 02.30.03 to 02.28.00 in iPhone 3G with the Baseband Bootloader 5.8 (The tool do not work with the Bootloader 5.9). It was based on Geohot exploit and was implemented by pH.
pHaseBanDowngrader - by Pedro Henrique Cavallieri Franceschi. (a.k.a. pH). _____________________________________________________________ Português:
Para rodar o pHaseBanDowngrader, conecte via SSH ao seu iPhone e copie a pasta baixada (phasebandowngrader) para dentro da pasta "/Applications" no seu iPhone. OBS: A pasta TEM que se chamar phasebandowngrader, com letras minúsculas!
Para rodá-lo, entre no MobileTerminal e digite "login". O usuário é "root" e a senha é "alpine" por padrão. Depois, digite: "cd /Applications/phasebandowngrader/" e, em seguida, por final, para rodar o downgrader, digite "./phasebandowngrader".
Para checar a versão do seu Bootloader, mais informações aqui:
(rode o at+xgendata no minicom)
_____________________________________________________________ English:
To run the pHaseBanDowngrader, connect via SSH to your iPhone and copy the downloaded folder (phasebandowngrader) into the folder "/Applications" on your iPhone. Note: The folder MUST named phasebandowngrader with lowercase letters!
To run it, open MobileTerminal and type "login". The user is "root" and password is "alpine" by default. Then type: "cd / Applications/phasebandowngrader/", then, to run the downgrader, type "./phasebandowngrader"
To check your bootloader version, visit:
(run at+xgendata in minicom)
_____________________________________________________________ Copyright (C) - 2009 - Todos os direitos reservados All rights reserved.
By pH - 12/04/2009