Tutorial:Unlocking iPhone 4 (iPhone3,3) model with OTA

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OTA Programming

  • Note the only known method for getting the iPhone 4 (iPhone3,3) to another carrier is by using the OTA feature to update your PRL, MDN and MIN.

If the OTA is not working in your area, then this will not work for you at the moment.

1. You must be using a carrier who will accept the phones MEID.

2. Add the phone to your account by calling in 611 from your current phone or calling your carriers number.

  Phone Numbers
  Cricket 1-800-274-2538

3. If you are using Cricket, Please make sure you are on the $45.00 plan and Android CPE (Customer Provided Equipment) as your phone model.

  MetroPCS owners the plan shouldn't matter.

4. Once you have the phone on your plan, its time to find out the correct OTA number for you to dial in order for you to provision your phone. Start with *22800, *22801, *22802 etc until you receive your carriers OTA message.

  Known OTA Numbers for areas
  Salt Lake City Utah, *22804

5. Follow the OTA instructions, making sure to select update equipment or update roaming agreements.

6. Once the OTA has succesfully updated your iPhone4 with the correct PRL, MDN, MIN and SYSID you should be ready for basic Talk and Text.

7. You can check the current PRL you are using by dailing.

  *#5005*help#(4357), Send.


8. That's it for now more to come!!