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ITunes Errors/Higher Errors
Error 11222
A security software you have installed may be conflicting with iTunes.
Error 11556
You're trying to access a section or a functionality that is not available in your country, for example iCloud in some countries.
Error 13019
- Seems to be an issue with syncing media to the device... It only seems to happen on jailbroken devices. Create new user, try syncing with new user's library. If that fails, restore. If it doesn't fail, then something on YOUR iTunes Library is causing the error.
- In iPhone OS 3.0-3.1.0 this was a known bug related to the sync process accessing iTunes-renamed Voice Memos.
Error 20000
- Is caused by a custom theme pack on your Windows. Use default Theme.
- This error can also be caused by the iDevice rebooting during the "Extracting Firmware" stage of restore.
Error 20008
This happened on a Mac with TinyUmbrella running before restoring a firmware to the Apple TV.