Go (iBoot command)

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iPhone 3GS 8920x from iBoot-636.66


N88AP_iBoot:4FF0103C     ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0103C     ; Attributes: bp-based frame
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0103C     n88ap__iBoot__go_command                ; DATA XREF: N88AP_iBoot:n88ap__iBoot__go�o
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0103C     var_18          = -0x18
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0103C     MemoryPoint     = -0x14
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0103C 000                 PUSH    {R4,R5,R7,LR}   ; Push registers
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0103E 010                 ADD     R7, SP, #8      ; Rd = Op1 + Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01040 010                 SUB     SP, SP, #8      ; Rd = Op1 - Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01042 018                 CMP     R0, #1          ; Set cond. codes on Op1 - Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01044 018                 MOV     R4, R1          ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01046 018                 BLE     loc_4FF01062    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01048 018                 ADD.W   R5, R1, #0x14   ; Rd = Op1 + Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0104C 018                 LDR     R0, =aHelp      ; "help"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0104E 018                 LDR     R1, [R1,#0x24]  ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01050 018                 BL      sub_4FF1ECA0    ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01054 018                 CMP     R0, #0          ; Set cond. codes on Op1 - Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01056 018                 BNE     loc_4FF010C4    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01058 018                 LDR     R1, [R4,#0x10]  ; param_R1
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0105A 018                 LDR     R0, =aSAddress  ; "%s [<address>]\n"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0105C 018                 BL      N88AP__iBOOT__console_printf ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01060 018                 B       loc_4FF010D4    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01062     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01062     loc_4FF01062                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+A�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01062 018                 LDR     R0, =aLoadaddr  ; "loadaddr"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01064 018                 MOV.W   R1, #0x41000000 ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01068 018                 BL      sub_4FF1CD88    ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0106C 018                 STR     R0, [SP,#0x18+MemoryPoint] ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0106E     loc_4FF0106E                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+96�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0106E 018                 LDR     R0, [SP,#0x18+MemoryPoint] ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01070 018                 MOV.W   R1, #0xF00000   ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01074 018                 BL      sub_4FF1A038    ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01078 018                 CBNZ    R0, loc_4FF0107E ; Compare and Branch on Non-Zero
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0107A 018                 LDR     R0, =aPermissionDenied ; "Permission Denied\n"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0107C 018                 B       loc_4FF010AC    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0107E     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0107E     loc_4FF0107E                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+3C�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0107E 018                 LDR     R0, [SP,#0x18+MemoryPoint] ; StartAddress
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01080 018                 MOV.W   R1, #0xF00000   ; dataSize
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01084 018                 MOVS    R2, #1          ; Type
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01086 018                 BL      n88ap__iBoot__MEMZ_STRUCT_INIT ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0108A 018                 CBNZ    R0, loc_4FF01090 ; Compare and Branch on Non-Zero
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0108C 018                 LDR     R0, =aMemoryImageCorrupt ; "Memory image corrupt\n"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0108E 018                 B       loc_4FF010AC    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01090     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01090     loc_4FF01090                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+4E�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01090 018                 MOV.W   R3, #0x43000000 ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01094 018                 LDR     R1, ='ibec'     ; TAG_TYPE
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01096 018                 STR     R3, [SP,#0x18+MemoryPoint] ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF01098 018                 ADD     R2, SP, #0x18+MemoryPoint ; unknown1
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0109A 018                 MOV.W   R3, #0xF00000   ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF0109E 018                 STR     R3, [SP,#0x18+var_18] ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010A0 018                 MOV     R3, SP          ; unknown2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010A2 018                 BL      n88ap__iBoot__image_load ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010A6 018                 CMP     R0, #0          ; Set cond. codes on Op1 - Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010A8 018                 BGE     loc_4FF010B2    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010AA 018                 LDR     R0, =aMemoryImageNotValid ; "Memory image not valid\n"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010AC     loc_4FF010AC                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+40�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010AC                                             ; n88ap__iBoot__go_command+52�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010AC 018                 BL      N88AP__iBOOT__console_printf ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010B0 018                 B       loc_4FF010D4    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010B2     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010B2     loc_4FF010B2                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+6C�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010B2 018                 LDR     R1, [SP,#0x18+MemoryPoint] ; param_R1
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010B4 018                 LDR     R0, =aJumpingIntoImageAt0x08x ; "jumping into image at 0x%08x\n"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010B6 018                 BL      N88AP__iBOOT__console_printf ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010BA 018                 MOVS    R0, #0          ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010BC 018                 LDR     R1, [SP,#0x18+MemoryPoint] ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010BE 018                 MOV     R2, R0          ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010C0 018                 BL      sub_4FF19264    ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010C4     loc_4FF010C4                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+1A�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010C4 018                 LDR     R0, =aLoadaddr  ; "loadaddr"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010C6 018                 MOV.W   R1, #0x41000000 ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010CA 018                 BL      sub_4FF1CD88    ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010CE 018                 LDR     R3, [R5,#4]     ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010D0 018                 STR     R3, [SP,#0x18+MemoryPoint] ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010D2 018                 B       loc_4FF0106E    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010D4     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010D4     loc_4FF010D4                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+24�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010D4                                             ; n88ap__iBoot__go_command+74�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010D4 018                 MOV.W   R0, #0xFFFFFFFF ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010D8 018                 SUB.W   SP, R7, #8      ; Rd = Op1 - Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010DC 018                 POP     {R4,R5,R7,PC}   ; Pop registers
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010DC     ; End of function n88ap__iBoot__go_command
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010DE     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010DE                     NOP                     ; No Operation
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010DE     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010E0     off_4FF010E0    DCD aHelp               ; DATA XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+10�r
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010E0                                             ; "help"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010E4     ; int off_4FF010E4
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010E4     off_4FF010E4    DCD aSAddress           ; DATA XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+1E�r
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010E4                                             ; "%s [<address>]\n"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010E8     off_4FF010E8    DCD aLoadaddr           ; DATA XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command:loc_4FF01062�r
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010E8                                             ; n88ap__iBoot__go_command:loc_4FF010C4�r
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010E8                                             ; "loadaddr"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010EC     off_4FF010EC    DCD aPermissionDenied   ; DATA XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+3E�r
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010EC                                             ; "Permission Denied\n"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010F0     ; struct MEMZ_STRUCT *off_4FF010F0
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010F0     off_4FF010F0    DCD aMemoryImageCorrupt ; DATA XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+50�r
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010F0                                             ; "Memory image corrupt\n"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010F4     ; char *dword_4FF010F4
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010F4     dword_4FF010F4  DCD 'ibec'              ; DATA XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+58�r
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010F8     ; int off_4FF010F8
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010F8     off_4FF010F8    DCD aMemoryImageNotValid
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010F8                                             ; DATA XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+6E�r
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010F8                                             ; "Memory image not valid\n"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010FC     ; int off_4FF010FC
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010FC     off_4FF010FC    DCD aJumpingIntoImageAt0x08x
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010FC                                             ; DATA XREF: n88ap__iBoot__go_command+78�r
N88AP_iBoot:4FF010FC                                             ; "jumping into image at 0x%08x\n"