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It seems that DtxCaliente was introduced in factory firmwares such as Sundance 10A23941s that are based on internal versions of iOS 6.0 and up. From what we can see, it looks to be an LCD testing application that monitors device temperature before and after running tests on the LCD. These tests consist of black and white patterns flashing on the screen every few seconds. These patterns can also be found in LcdUTest. To begin a test, simply remain idle in DtxCaliente or press volume up in DtxCaliente.

The Contents of the App:
IQC03_White.bmp PkgInfo IQC04_Black.bmp ResourceRules.plist Info.plist _CodeSignature P01-01.bmp P01-02.bmp dtxCaliente P02-01.bmp myIcon.tiff P02-02.bmp preferences.xml