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Monarch 13A83262c

iPhone 6 running 13A83262c from @ThermalDOE on Twitter.
This is an internal build of iOS 9.0, originally discovered on an iPhone 6 PVT, which runs SwitchBoard. A dump of its filesystem weighs in at around 4.63 gigabytes.
This firmware has the kernel version Darwin Kernel Version 15.0.0: Tue May 3 12:15:09 PDT 2016; root:xnu_development-3247.
Interestingly, this build contains Alternate Reliability in addition to its regular counterpart. Operator also seems to have a redesign as well. The Phone app from iOS seems to be present in this build, strangely.
Upon booting into, you’ll find the following applications:
- AltoMobile
- Duet Viewer (hidden)
- GrapeCal
- iDTracer
- LCDMura
- LcdUTest
- MesaCal
- MIDINetSetup (hidden)
- MobilePhone (hidden)
- Ness
- NonUIConsoleViewer
- Operator (hidden)
- QRCode
- Alternate Reliability
- Reliability
- Sequencer
- Sightglass (In /AppleInternal/Diags/Sightglass/
- ThermalDOE
- USBHost
- WiPASmini
- dtxCaliente